For the Love of Yoga with Nish the Fish
The world of Yoga is wide and varied. In this podcast, yogi Nish the Fish shares the deeper dimensions of Yoga, Vedanta and Tantra, asking the big questions: why do we practice? What is meditation? What is the purpose of a human life? What is Beauty? What is Death? Nishanth Selvalingam studied various South Asian philosophies with his Shaivite grandfather in an ashram in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and moved to Los Angeles to study philosophy, teach yoga and play guitar in a rock band. Join him and special guests as they explore Yoga, in all its splendours. For more episodes and instruction, and to support this humble offering of the heart, visit me on Patreon: patreon.com/yogawithnish
Podcasting since 2020 • 249 episodes
For the Love of Yoga with Nish the Fish
Latest Episodes
Categories of Tantrik Thought: 5 Kalās, 36 Tattvas and 118 Bhuvanas
In today's class as part of our Paramārthasāra series, we take a broad sweeping tour of some of the major categories of thought in the non-dual Tantrik world starting with the 5 Kalās
Season 8
Episode 131

Japa and Ritual Worship as a Non-Dual Practice
In this next installment of our How To Do Tantrik Ritual series, we look at three very important moments in Tantrik ritual worship (namely, bhūta-śuddhi, nyāsa and gandhādi pūjā) that all ...
Season 8
Episode 130

Reflections on Milarepa for Tibetan New Year
On Tibetan New Year, the Friday just after Shiva Ratri, we spent some time practicing non-dual meditation (practice with us
Season 8
Episode 129

Why Did We Fast and Stay Up All Night for Shiva Ratri? + Shiva Puja Walkthrough
On the very auspicious day of Shiva Ratri this year, we got together on zoom in the morning to say a few things about the "art of tapasya", that is, the art of austerities in the name of spirituality. If done too excessively, the body and mind ...
Season 8
Episode 128