For the Love of Yoga with Nish the Fish
The world of Yoga is wide and varied. In this podcast, yogi Nish the Fish shares the deeper dimensions of Yoga, Vedanta and Tantra, asking the big questions: why do we practice? What is meditation? What is the purpose of a human life? What is Beauty? What is Death? Nishanth Selvalingam studied various South Asian philosophies with his Shaivite grandfather in an ashram in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and moved to Los Angeles to study philosophy, teach yoga and play guitar in a rock band. Join him and special guests as they explore Yoga, in all its splendours. For more episodes and instruction, and to support this humble offering of the heart, visit me on Patreon: patreon.com/yogawithnish
249 episodes
Categories of Tantrik Thought: 5 Kalās, 36 Tattvas and 118 Bhuvanas
In today's class as part of our Paramārthasāra series, we take a broad sweeping tour of some of the major categories of thought in the non-dual Tantrik world starting with the 5 Kalās
Season 8
Episode 131

Japa and Ritual Worship as a Non-Dual Practice
In this next installment of our How To Do Tantrik Ritual series, we look at three very important moments in Tantrik ritual worship (namely, bhūta-śuddhi, nyāsa and gandhādi pūjā) that all ...
Season 8
Episode 130

Reflections on Milarepa for Tibetan New Year
On Tibetan New Year, the Friday just after Shiva Ratri, we spent some time practicing non-dual meditation (practice with us
Season 8
Episode 129

Why Did We Fast and Stay Up All Night for Shiva Ratri? + Shiva Puja Walkthrough
On the very auspicious day of Shiva Ratri this year, we got together on zoom in the morning to say a few things about the "art of tapasya", that is, the art of austerities in the name of spirituality. If done too excessively, the body and mind ...
Season 8
Episode 128

What is Shiva Smoking?
Shiva Ratri is a night of ecstasy and joy. But what is the nature of Lord Shiva's intoxication and how can we get a toke?Happy Shiva Ratri, fam. I love you more than can I say. May all be intoxicated!PS:
Season 8
Episode 127

What To Do On Shiva Ratri
It's that time of the year again! Many might be asking: 1. what is Shiva Ratri? 2. When is Shiva Ratri? And most importantly: 3. What should I do to celebrate/ why would I even want to celebrate Shiva Ratri? ...
Season 8
Episode 126

How To Prepare for Shiva Ratri, the Great Night of Shiva
Next week is Shiva Ratri, which is among the biggest (if not THE biggest) events in our community! This is a night when we really plunge into Shiva with the whole of our being, fasting all day, staying up all night, signing, dancing ecstaticall...
Season 8
Episode 125

Realizing Non-Duality Through Music
Earlier this year on Swami Vivekananda's birthday we decided to do three back to back lectures focusing on different aspects of the Swami's teaching: the innate divinity of the soul, the oneness of all existence and the harmony of all religions...
Season 8
Episode 123

The 12 Secret Kālīs | & The Most Closely Guarded Secret in Tantra
This might be the most closely guarded secret teaching in non-dual Tantra!First, we discuss some of the non-dual, "left" leaning traditions within Tantrik Shaivism with an emphasis on the Kaula marga and its profound liturgy and philoso...
Season 8
Episode 122

How Jnāna, Philosophy Leads to Bhakti, Love | Swami Vivekananda, Bhakti Yoga
One of my favorite classes in the series so far! We've been reading from Swami Vivekananda's Bhakti Yoga at our Friday evening Bhakti satsanghs and together exploring some of the most refined concepts at the uppermost reaches of the devotional ...
Season 8
Episode 121

How To Actually Change The World?
This year, Swami Vivekananda's birthday happened to fall on a Monday, a day sacred to Shiva which also happened to MLK day here in the United States! Of course the two figures, Swami Vivekananda and MLK are both quite similar in a few ways. In ...
Season 8
Episode 124

7 Reasons To Keep Tantra Secret & The Secret World of Kaula
One of the most secret (and perhaps misunderstood) traditions in Tantra is the Kaula, the path of radical embodiment. "Kaula" which is the adjectival form of the Sanskrit word "kula", means "the body" and as such presents a spiritual approach t...
Season 8
Episode 120

Why You Should Know About Swami Brahmananda
Today is a special day for us because it is Raja Maharajji’s (Swami Brahmananda) birthday! He is my guru’s guru’s guru and his energy is of course the foundational spirituality of the Ramakrishna Mission after Ramakrishna-Sarada; it’s an energy...
Season 8
Episode 119

Why is Tantra A Secret?
Two weeks ago we gave the talk called "how to perform the best Tantr...
Season 8
Episode 118

How Do Tantrik Rituals Work?
How do Tantrik rituals work, really? Is it the intercession of spirits and divinities? Or perhaps something far more profound?IIn this talk, I want to make the case that there are no gods or spirits outside Consciousness. The entire Uni...
Season 8
Episode 117

How To Love Everyone & Everything
There is nothing quite so wonderful as hearing great master of Non-Duality talk about God! After all, for far too long The Path of Devotion (Bhakti) has been considered as categorically distinct from The Path of Philosophy (Jñāna).
Season 8
Episode 116

How To Perform The Best Tantrik Ritual | & Overcome Superstitions in Tantra
This lecture, which follows closely on the heels of How To Become A Bhairavi, A Tantrik Adept and also The Best Tantrik Ritual explores the puraścarana fro...
Season 8
Episode 115

Swami Vivekananda's Mad Love
Some time ago we gave a talk on Divine Madness in Why is Kālī Crazy? where we looked at the fervor that comes upon the devotee when she is truly in love with God. Now, in this short ...
Season 8
Episode 114

How To Really Love
To love is the essence of what it means to be human. Love is the sweetest, most meaningful experience in embodied existence and it is for this love that we do everything. But what does it mean to really love? We have all...
Season 8
Episode 113

Religion is for the Strong!
Religion is only for the strong! No weakling can realize God! Some time ago, we gave the lecture called "
Season 8
Episode 112

3 Ways To Avoid Spiritual Burn-out
Those who are very serious about spiritual life will find that from time to time, they get a reaction from doing too many spiritual practices. Usually it's the case that when we clean out the mind with mantra, meditation etc. all sorts of repre...
Season 8
Episode 111

Māyā vs Śakti | & How To Be Free
In October of 1896, in London, Swami Vivekananda gave a series of three lectures on the ancient concept of Māyā, that which causes the One to appear as Many, the Eternal to appear as the Changing and the Real to appear as the Unreal. <...
Season 8
Episode 110

Be Your Own Religion!
Swami Vivekananda's Message on Individuality in Spirituality: when a seed is planted, it is nourished by soil, sun, air, light and rain. And yet the seed does not "become" soil, or sun, or air, or light or rain. The seed becomes a ...
Season 8
Episode 109

How To Be Devoted to God?
In this talk, we give a comprehensive overview of the Path of Devotion:00:00:00 How Bhakti Yoga Works: Vaidhi Bhakti (Devotion with Rules) vs Para Bhakti (Ecstatic Love)...
Season 8
Episode 108

What Was It Like To Hang Out With Vivekananda?
Today, on the 12th of January, we are celebrating India's National Youth Day, to commemorate the birth day by Gregorian Calendar of Swami Vivekananda, who was born on the 12th of January 1863. Of course, in the Hindu tradition, we ...
Season 8
Episode 107