For the Love of Yoga with Nish the Fish
The world of Yoga is wide and varied. In this podcast, yogi Nish the Fish shares the deeper dimensions of Yoga, Vedanta and Tantra, asking the big questions: why do we practice? What is meditation? What is the purpose of a human life? What is Beauty? What is Death? Nishanth Selvalingam studied various South Asian philosophies with his Shaivite grandfather in an ashram in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and moved to Los Angeles to study philosophy, teach yoga and play guitar in a rock band. Join him and special guests as they explore Yoga, in all its splendours. For more episodes and instruction, and to support this humble offering of the heart, visit me on Patreon:
237 episodes
Why You Should Know About Swami Brahmananda
Today is a special day for us because it is Raja Maharajji’s (Swami Brahmananda) birthday! He is my guru’s guru’s guru and his energy is of course the foundational spirituality of the Ramakrishna Mission after Ramakrishna-Sarada; it’s an energy...
Season 8
Episode 119
Why is Tantra A Secret?
Two weeks ago we gave the talk called "how to perform the best Tantr...
Season 8
Episode 118
How Do Tantrik Rituals Work?
How do Tantrik rituals work, really? Is it the intercession of spirits and divinities? Or perhaps something far more profound?IIn this talk, I want to make the case that there are no gods or spirits outside Consciousness. The entire Uni...
Season 8
Episode 117
How To Love Everyone & Everything
There is nothing quite so wonderful as hearing great master of Non-Duality talk about God! After all, for far too long The Path of Devotion (Bhakti) has been considered as categorically distinct from The Path of Philosophy (Jñāna).
Season 8
Episode 116
How To Perform The Best Tantrik Ritual | & Overcome Superstitions in Tantra
This lecture, which follows closely on the heels of How To Become A Bhairavi, A Tantrik Adept and also The Best Tantrik Ritual explores the puraścarana fro...
Season 8
Episode 115
Swami Vivekananda's Mad Love
Some time ago we gave a talk on Divine Madness in Why is Kālī Crazy? where we looked at the fervor that comes upon the devotee when she is truly in love with God. Now, in this short ...
Season 8
Episode 114
How To Really Love
To love is the essence of what it means to be human. Love is the sweetest, most meaningful experience in embodied existence and it is for this love that we do everything. But what does it mean to really love? We have all...
Season 8
Episode 113
Religion is for the Strong!
Religion is only for the strong! No weakling can realize God! Some time ago, we gave the lecture called "
Season 8
Episode 112
3 Ways To Avoid Spiritual Burn-out
Those who are very serious about spiritual life will find that from time to time, they get a reaction from doing too many spiritual practices. Usually it's the case that when we clean out the mind with mantra, meditation etc. all sorts of repre...
Season 8
Episode 111
Māyā vs Śakti | & How To Be Free
In October of 1896, in London, Swami Vivekananda gave a series of three lectures on the ancient concept of Māyā, that which causes the One to appear as Many, the Eternal to appear as the Changing and the Real to appear as the Unreal. <...
Season 8
Episode 110
Be Your Own Religion!
Swami Vivekananda's Message on Individuality in Spirituality: when a seed is planted, it is nourished by soil, sun, air, light and rain. And yet the seed does not "become" soil, or sun, or air, or light or rain. The seed becomes a ...
Season 8
Episode 109
How To Be Devoted to God?
In this talk, we give a comprehensive overview of the Path of Devotion:00:00:00 How Bhakti Yoga Works: Vaidhi Bhakti (Devotion with Rules) vs Para Bhakti (Ecstatic Love)...
Season 8
Episode 108
What Was It Like To Hang Out With Vivekananda?
Today, on the 12th of January, we are celebrating India's National Youth Day, to commemorate the birth day by Gregorian Calendar of Swami Vivekananda, who was born on the 12th of January 1863. Of course, in the Hindu tradition, we ...
Season 8
Episode 107
Where Did Tantra Come From? | The Story of Shaivism
We gave this lecture some time ago, in July of last year on Swami Lakshmanjoo's birthday. However it occurred to me that it would be a very good start to 2025 if we could not only review the fundamentals of spiritual life in general but also re...
Season 8
Episode 106
The Best Tantrik Ritual
After we gave the two fiery lectures on Why You Need To Realize God Now! | The Urgency of Spiritual Life and also on The 2 Most Important Things In Spiri...
Season 8
Episode 106
The Non-Essentials of Religion: God, Books and Prophets
After making a few comments about calendars and the power of new beginnings, we make a few points from Swami Vivekananda’s very radical lecture in San Francisco “Is Vedanta The Future Religion” to show how God, books and prophets are not act...
Season 8
Episode 105
The 2 Most Important Things In Spiritual Life & 7 Ways To Get Them
What are the most important things in spiritual life?In Patañjali's Yoga Sutra, we find: अभ्यासवैराग्याअभ्यां तन्निरोध:abhyāsa-vairāgya-ābhyāṁ tan-nirodhaḥ"Through yearning and renunciation, the mind can be stop...
Season 8
Episode 104
What Did Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus and Ramakrishna All Have In Common?
While every person and every place is invariably God according to our Non-Dual View, certain places and certain people are particularly strong manifestations of God. Everything is the same in type but different in degree. For example, while eve...
Season 8
Episode 104
Why You Need To Realize God Now! | The Urgency of Spiritual Life
As we come to the end of another Gregorian calendar year, and as our body-mind rapidly comes yet another step closer to death and disintegration, we ought to reflect: what have we really accomplished in spiritual life thus far? <...
Season 8
Episode 103
What Did Vivekananda & Buddha Value Most?
There are of course innumerable similarities between the life and message of the Buddha and Swami Vivekananda: in a future lecture, I hope to sketch this out in much more detail. I think there is a particularly strong resonance between Swami Vi...
Season 8
Episode 102
What Is The Goal of Spiritual Practice?
Before we start walking a path, we should have some idea at least about why we are walking it and about where it leads. In the Buddha's eight-fold system, this is called "samyak drshti", the right view. When we consider the lives o...
Season 8
Episode 101
Tantrik Techniques for Overcoming Addiction
Giving in to our desires (which is to say: following them into externalized action) can sometimes be just as repressive as avoiding them altogether. In either case, the energy of desire is not fully experienced:; it is instead dissipated throug...
Season 8
Episode 100
How To Become A Bhairavi, A Tantrik Adept
On this auspicious Mrgaśīrsha Pūrnimā (full moon) to which is ascribed Bhairavi Jayanti, Annapurna Jayanti and also Dattatreya Jayanti, we decide to say a few words about just who Mā Bhairavi might be. She is one of the most mysterious of the m...
Season 8
Episode 99
Kālī = The Lady of Guadalupe
Today we are celebrating the feast day for a very important Marian apparition that occurred on the site of a former Tonantzin temple: The Lady of Guadalupe! This is among my favorite occurrences in Catholic history and it gives us ...
Season 8
Episode 98
Mary of Magdala & The Feminine Approach to Spirituality
Some time ago, we gave a talk on Mary of Magdalena, who I argued was the śakti (power) of Christ in the same way that Rādhā is for Krishna, Sīta is for Rāma and Sārada Mā is for Sri Ramakrishna. This argues for a "dual-aspect" to the avatāra (d...
Season 8
Episode 97