For the Love of Yoga with Nish the Fish

What Are Chakras?

Nishanth Selvalingam Season 8 Episode 56

In this lecture, we are going into the Tantrik subtle body with even finer brushstrokes following our last discussion on the subject, "The Tantrik Body" which you can watch here:

In this lecture, we look at the sapta dhātus (the 7 constituents of the physical body), which are very important in Ayurveda and compare that to the 7 trunked elephant in the mulādhāra cakra!
Of course we will do a comprehensive survey of the various cakras along the susushumnā nādi, comparing the 3 cakra model of classical tantra to the 5 and 6 cakra model in yoga and with the 7 planes of Vedanta vs what I call the “new age traffic light chakra model” of the Theosophist. What is a traditional chakra model and how does the modern "new age" version compare? 

We’ll of course consider all the color schemes, beeja mantras, matrikas and symbology of the cakras and suggest a few different practices you can do oriented around that!

Lectures happen live every Monday at 7pm PST, Friday 10am PST and again Friday 6pm PST.  
There's Q&A right after the lectre. 
It is free and open to the public. All are welcome!
Use this link and I will see you there:

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