For the Love of Yoga with Nish the Fish
For the Love of Yoga with Nish the Fish
How Do Tantrik Rituals Work?
How do Tantrik rituals work, really? Is it the intercession of spirits and divinities? Or perhaps something far more profound?
IIn this talk, I want to make the case that there are no gods or spirits outside Consciousness. The entire Universe and all the powers in it are contained within the Mind, which is an expression of Consciousness, with reference to verses 160 onwards in Abhinava Gupta's Tantrāloka, Part I, and with special reference to Swami Vivekananda's emphasis on strength and non-duality.
You are Consciousness and as such, all power is within you! All the gods and demons, all the spirits and energies, they are all in YOU, expressing themselves as body and mind. Harnessing these energies is what Tantra is all about. As such, any time your "prayers have been answered", it is only you gracing yourself. You are God, in every sense of that word.
A Tantrik ritual functions only to create the suggestion, through sound and symbol, to call forth that Power inherent in the Self!
For more detailed instructions for how to perform Kālī pūjā, watch this playlist: https://www.patreon.com/collection/233799
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