For the Love of Yoga with Nish the Fish
For the Love of Yoga with Nish the Fish
Japa and Ritual Worship as a Non-Dual Practice
In this next installment of our How To Do Tantrik Ritual series, we look at three very important moments in Tantrik ritual worship (namely, bhūta-śuddhi, nyāsa and gandhādi pūjā) that all serve to reinforce the idea of Advaita, non-duality in the context of worship.
Over and over we affirm that the One being worshipped and the One worshipping as well as the very tools and items of the worship themselves are all One and the Same Reality: Consciousness-Bliss, Shiva.
As such, we discuss how pūjā (ritual worship) and japa (mantra recitation) can act as powerful sādhanas (spiritual techniques) for truly realizing non-duality beyond mere intellectual concepts.
We also talk a little bit about the importance of the sacred pilgrimage places known as śākta pīthas, and how these might be mapped unto the body in the process of nyāsa. Excitingly, we compare the rather similar mythological structures of the "Dismemberment of Osiris" episode in the Egyptian pantheon to the "Dismember of Sati" incident in the Purānas to make a point about sacred geography and the Immanence of God, following from last week's discussion on Nyāsa as a Sacred Pilgrimage Practice!
A truly exciting discussion! Thank you all for coming!
Jai Mā!